Activity of the Passive: Week of June 17th

It has been nice to find release and a bit of consistency, to wake to the same senses and to not have fear within my experience. At the very least I must say that the resounding feeling of freedom, for extereior or interior means.

For one my transistion to insanity and the movement from passive to active engagement with my life is resounding, for that I know of no source. And with that resounding change has come the challenge of continuation, of self-‘discovery’ and ultimately self-mastery, by which I mean the reaching forth of my potential of what I can do for the world as part of its never ending cycle and that gives the world beauty.

My goals going forward are to again continue to read, to begin to come out of my shell, and if at all possible regain the feeling of connection with my mind and body. For that I hope through art, meditation, and reading it may be gained back.

Self control is one of the first hurdles to overcome, to dismantle the need for constant gratification, for immediacy, and at the most pinnacle of points reach a sense of attachment and desire within those things I have an inordained view of boredom with.

Yet I need to continue to improve.